Yes, homeopathic medicine works! It’s healed many of my deep emotional traumas and chronic illnesses.
By Kimberly Woods, C. Hom
In my personal journey, I’ve been through many challenging health issues, including physical and emotional trauma. But thanks to homeopathy, I’m now 65 and feel like I’m in my 40s.
Homeopathy not only works, but I’ve found it to be profoundly miraculous in helping me to stay healthy and pharmaceutical free for over 40 years.
My story starts out before I was born, when my father left my mother when she was two months pregnant with me. She vacillated between being furious, wanting to abort me, and feeling deep grief and terror about being a single mom. Then from the time I was 6 months old until I was 5, I was raised by an emotionally and physically abusive grandmother and grew up in a totally dysfunctional family.
Since learning homeopathy, I have used several different remedies that saved me from this horrendous suffering, and over time they have cleared 90% of these symptoms!
My first emotionally downward spiral occurred in the fifth grade, shortly after receiving a tetanus vaccine. I went from being a fiery, feisty, bright, clear, confident little girl to feeling fragmented and withdrawn. Soon after the vaccine, I developed learning disabilities in reading and writing, social anxiety, dyslexia, low self-esteem, depression, chronic sore throats, inflamed tonsils and sinus issues.*
Twenty-five years later, I worked with my mentor, the renowned homeopath and author Dr. Luc De Shepper, who chose the appropriate remedies to reverse the negative side-effects of the tetanus vaccine. Slowly and within several months they miraculously and effectively cleared, and I began to feel like my normal self again – clear, bright, aware, fiery, and confident.
This is only one small and obvious case of vaccine injury among many. As children of the 1960’s we received a fraction of the vaccines that are now given to healthy and innocent children. I remember reading about 20 years ago that cases of autism were up 800 percent. Education is key and most homeopaths are very aware of how to clear past damage from toxic overload of all vaccines. Autism, ADD, ADHD, and behavioral issues seem epidemic, so please help warn new parents to educate themselves and not to over vaccinate.
I continued treatment with Dr. Luc and again, he chose another well-matched homeopathic medicine for my hormonal imbalances, ailments from abuse and betrayal, anger issues, reoccurring abscesses, PMS, and headaches. Within one month all these symptoms that I had been suffering with for many years were gone!
Over the last 35 years homeopathic medicines have also completely reversed my rheumatoid arthritis, IBS, food allergies, mercury toxicity, severe reoccurring Candida, chronic gas and bloating, and H pylori. Other chronic illnesses that were easily resolved for me with homeopathic medicines were severe reoccurring tooth infections, UTI’s, strep throat, styes, bronchitis, and ear and sinus infections, along with acute issues of walking pneumonia, flu, COVID-19, high fevers, and blepharitis.
The remedy that successfully healed many of these physical symptoms and a layer of past emotional trauma for me was Lycopodium 1M**, which also helped to alleviate my fear of public speaking and complete aversion to writing.
The above examples are only a few cases of the profound healing power of homeopathy to root out the core cause of a disease and prevent chronic symptoms from returning. With all my heart I can honestly say that homeopathic treatment has been profoundly effective for conditions that have been deemed incurable for myself and my family.
One injury I sustained at a horse farm stands out above the rest in demonstrating the healing power and effectiveness of homeopathy. I had stepped on a rusty nail, which made its way half an inch into the bottom of my foot. Friends urged me to go to the Emergency Room for a vaccine, but because of my debilitating reaction to a tetanus vaccine in the fifth grade, I did not want to get a tetanus shot. Instead, I used one dose of high-potency Hypericum 1M***. After one dose, the swelling, pain, and redness resolved, and I was fine. I knew homeopathic physicians had used this remedy for 200 years to prevent tetanus.
In 2022, I was diagnosed with squamous cell skin cancer, and it resolved within two weeks after taking a few genetic and emotional-clearing remedies. I was 64 years old and did not realize that I still had deep buried grief around my mother’s tragic death. She had suffered from a head injury and modern medicine saved her life but removed a section of her brain. Because of the surgery, she went from being a healthy, loving, happy 74-year-old to being morbidly depressed, unable to sleep, severely delusional, and beyond anxious.
All this fostered deep grief, enormous guilt, and stress in me for the three years I spent with her, doing everything in my power to bring her back to her normal state. A few well matched remedies help me process these feelings and not only did my cancer quickly resolve, but the remedies cleared my suppressed emotions, and I felt a restored since of freedom and energy.
Over the last 30 years, my family and I have lived through a normal abundance of injuries, burns, bumps and bruises, tick and insect bites, and infections. Thankfully, these were easily and quickly resolved by common homeopathic first-aid remedies. For those who would like to test the water of this amazingly effective medical therapeutic, please use this Free First Aid Chart: DIY – Common First Aid & Simple Acute Homeopathic Remedies.
Using this chart is a great way to experience the power of homeopathy and learn the basic principles of treating yourself and your family for injuries and minor acute symptoms.
The five charts in this link https://naturalhealthsource.us/download/ also offer beginners and novices known preventive and treatment options for COVID, flu and fever, pneumonia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, colds, coughs, sore throats and headaches.
Finally, my hope is that you will feel inspired and empowered to take control of your precious health by working with a professional homeopath. Find one that you trust and resonate with, who has at least 4-8 years of training and clears vaccines, emotional trauma, and genetic factors. Most professionals offer free 15-minute inquiries that will give you a sense of how homeopathy can benefit you. My link to schedule an appointment is https://naturalhealthsource.us/15-minute-free-consult/.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you and sharing this precious gem called homeopathy with you. It’s a valuable ally in home care for first aid, acute and chronic issues. This effective and sophisticated medicine has saved the day, week, month, and my life. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
*Readers should use their best judgement, gut instincts and discretion in deciding to receive vaccines to protect themselves and their families from tetanus and other bacterial infections and diseases.
**These high-potency remedies are only used by professionals. It’s very important to match the individual’s exact symptoms to a remedy picture. For more complicated acute and chronic illnesses, seek the help of an experienced homeopath or a health professional.
***Hypericum is known to prevent infection from puncture wounds. Homeopaths often recommend repeating a 200c dose several times per day or 1m once or as needed.