What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathic medicationHomeopathy is a natural system of medicine that uses minute doses of specially prepared remedies to stimulate the body to heal itself.  It acts as a catalyst to spark the vital force and initiate the process of recovery, which allows the body to heal from the inside out. It is known to heal most known illnesses, increase energy and enhance the sense of well-being.

It was formulated by the brilliant German Physician Samuel Hahnemann and is based on the same consistent, rational and scientific principles that have proven to be effective for over 200 years.

Hundreds of Clinical studies have shown that homeopathy can help on all levels; physical, mental and emotional. These studies also show effectiveness for a wide range of conditions— first aid, acute, chronic and epidemic diseases.

Homeopaths consider the exact physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms of the individual and select a single remedy to address all given complaints. Homeopaths look deeply into the constitutional make up, health and relationship time-line, emotional traumas, genetic predispositions, response to stress and core negative beliefs of the person.

Homeopathic remedies are even recommended for pregnant women, newborns, the elderly and immunocompromised individuals.

A Completely Different Perspective

Conventional medicine views the body as a machine of separate parts and refers patients to specialists such as psychology, gynecology, dermatology, etc. The aim is to fight disease or control symptoms by using drugs to alter the body’s internal chemistry or to kill invading bacteria and pathogens. The chemical activity of conventional medications, create powerful symptom management (control or suppression of symptoms) often with negative side effects. Unfortunately, this approach can eventually weaken the body’s overall state of health as demonstrated by repeated antibiotics, medications or chemotherapy..

Homeopathy works in a completely different manner than conventional medicine. It specializes in the interconnectedness of all the systems of the whole person.  It aims to strengthen and repair the (whole) person on all levels of their systems: physical, mental and emotional.  Specific symptoms of the individual are used as important clues and viewed as the body’s way of communicating.  These  specific symptoms lead a homeopath to select the remedy best suited to stimulate the body’s own ability to heal itself and maintain balance and stability.  The correct homeopathic remedy can benefit the whole person on all levels without the side effects possible with conventional medications.

  • Homeopathy is the fastest growing form of health care in the world and growing by 25 % annually!
  • Homeopathy is the leading alternative medicine used by European’s. It is an integral part of their mainstream medical care; 30-40% of French, British and German doctors prescribe it.
  • Homeopathy appears to be responsible for the well-being of the French, who are ranked #1 in the world, in the performance of their health care system. In France, 40% of the population uses homeopathic medicines. Americans, most of whom do not use homeopathy, are ranked #37 in the performance of their health care system.
  • For centuries, England’s Royal Family has been a strong advocate for and users of homeopathy. There are five homeopathic hospitals working within the UK National Health Service, some of them with a two-year waiting list for non-emergency visits to a homeopath.
  • Homeopathy is part of the public health care systems in Europe, South America, Central America, Russia, India and Asia.

What It Is Not

  • “Homeopathy” is not a generic term for all forms of alternative, natural or holistic medicine.
  • It is not the use of raw herbs like you buy at the store. Homeopathy uses minute doses of plant, mineral, animal and other substances commonly found in the world around us.
  • It is not un-scientific: it uses straightforward logical principles and techniques as recorded in The Organon of Medicine  by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
  • It does not interfere with conventional medicines.
  • It is not a “placebo”, nor does it require a belief in it, in order to work. It works on infants and animals, for example.

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The Foundational Principles of Homeopathy

The Law of Similars

The Law of Similars was recognized by Hippocrates over two thousand years ago, Refined by Samuel Hahnemann and other medical visionaries, it may still be one of the most advanced and revolutionary healing models available to us today.

In 1790 Dr. Hahnemann translated medical texts in which he noticed that Cinchona bark was successfully used by to treat malarial symptoms including spasm and fever.

After spending years to research why it was so effective, he finally took a minute dose of the substance and experienced the same exact symptoms of malaria: fever, chills, spasm etc.. This was the foundation for his use of“The Law of Similars” (like cures like) in homeopathic treatment. Which means: The same substance that can cause a set of symptoms in a healthy person can cure those same symptoms in a sick person. In his lifetime he documented thousands of other remedies that he found cured the incurable

The following are more examples of this main principle: Ipecac is used successfully in emergency situations to induce vomiting in poisoning cases; in a very dilute homeopathic dosage, Ipecac is capable of reversing  nausea and vomiting in various illnesses. Similarly, coffee is a well-known stimulant which, when used in minute homeopathic dosages (Coffea), has the effect of relaxing a person who is restless, overexcited, and sleepless. Everyone has experienced the sneezing, and burning and watering of the eyes while cutting an onion. Following the Law of Similars, homeopaths use the remedy Allium cepa (red onion) to stimulate the vital force and reverse those same symptoms during the beginning of a cold or an episode of hay fever.

Conventional medicine relies on the principle of opposites to treat illness. Symptoms are often simply controlled or suppressed, and there is a host of “anti-” medications used to do this—cough suppressants, anti-fever medicines, antacids, etc. Unfortunately, this approach may not get to the bottom of what is actually causing the problem.

Observing the Whole Person

Just because a group of people have the same illness doesn’t mean they are affected by it in the same way… so why should they be given the same medicine? Homeopathy looks beyond a person’s illnesses or diagnoses. The key is in observation of the whole person: their specific symptoms, tendencies and all of the aspects that make each person the unique individual they are.

Usually an in-depth questioner and health/relationship history is filled out by the client. This is reviewed by a homeopath and then a 1-2 hour inquiry is done with the person to find out details and precise information of their complaints. A remedy is selected which best corresponds to that person’s total state with the intent of addressing and removing the underlying causes of illness. Healing can be profound and long lasting, leading to a greatly enhanced sense of well-being and freedom of illness. For acute and First Aid ailments, it is a much shorter inquiry and remedies can act very quickly, sometimes within minutes.

The Minimum Dose

The most controversial aspect of homeopathy has been the principle of the minimum dose. It states that extreme dilution enhances the curative properties of a substance, while eliminating any possible side effects. Therefore, the least amount of a homeopathic remedy is taken until the issue is resolved. After one dose is taken, the person’s response is carefully observed, and the remedy is repeated only as needed. We know that with conventional pharmaceutical drugs, the more one takes, the more powerful the effect and often you take the same medication for years. How then could it be the opposite in homeopathy? How can you dilute a substance till  there is no trace of that substance found and then claim that it works? The answer to this question was not scientifically apparent until recently. Now there is exciting progress in the new field of nano-pharmacology, which studies how medicines work at the molecular scale.

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The Cutting Edge of Science – Nanomedicine and Homeopathy

In the new and exciting field of nanomedicine, science can measure invisible forces that were undetectable up until recently. “Nano” refers to something extremely small measured as one billionth of a unit. Researchers applying this system of measurement to homeopathic dilutions are discovering nanoparticles in homeopathic remedies [ii] A new branch of nanoscience, nanopharmacology, studies the design and delivery of drugs at the molecular level. It appears that nanodoses of medicines have fewer drug-related side effects and greater therapeutic action than typical milligram measured doses.

Research into water’s liquid crystal properties [iv] suggests that dissolving and potentizing material in water may actually change the structure of water molecules.[v] In 2009, Noble Prize winner, Dr Luc Montagnier[vi] dissolved DNA in water and diluted it repeatedly to extremely low concentrations, similar to homeopathic potencies. Even though the dilution was chemically the same as pure water, he detected electromagnetic signals that matched the DNA. The results of his groundbreaking research are reproducible.

For 200 years, the core argument of skeptics has centered on the plausibility of homeopathy (i.e., how can ultra-dilute medicines beyond Avagadro’s number (10-23) possibly effect affect biological systems.) The field of nanoparticle science and nano-medicine is now rapidly expanding and with it new and exciting research into homeopathic remedies.  These two papers by internationally renowned CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) researcher Iris Bell, M.D., Ph.D. (University of Arizona) discusses the latest findings in this field.




The findings on what homeopathic remedies are, ie, highly reactive nanoparticles, and how they interact with complex living systems could significantly advance the medical paradigm as a valuable form of nanomedicine.

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Why Over 500 Million People Choose Homeopathy

hoHomeopathic medicine is the second most popular medical system in the world according to The World Health Organization which supports homeopathy. Please see more information at https://drnancymalik.wordpress.com/article/status-of-homeopathy/

It’s Safe

  • It’s gentle, non-toxic, and free from toxic side effects found with conventional medicines.
  • Remedies are often recommended for the elderly, pregnant women and newborns.
  • Remedies are made under strict protocol in FDA-approved labs.
  • It’s trusted worldwide as one of the safest forms of medicine available.


  • It is more cost-effective than any other form of medicine, both  conventional or  alternative  medicine, according to a study commissioned by the government of Switzerland.
  • A single remedy can treat virtually hundreds of different symptoms.
  • With multiple-use dosage bottles, one vial could last for many years!


  • Individualized consultations consider every symptom and concern.
  • Homeopathy is known to help human, animal, and even plant conditions.
  • It aims at deep healing on all levels for complete well-being.


  • Homeopaths educate and help people take charge of their health.
  • People become more aware and present to their symptoms, health and causes of illness.
  • Speedy recovery may inspire you to learn and practice more.
  • The basics for First Aid and acute illness are simple and easy to learn.

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How Homeopathic Remedies are Made

Homeopathic remedies are made in FDA-approved labs under the stringent guidelines of the Homeopathic Pharmacopedia of the United States. This insures that no matter which pharmacy makes the remedy you need and whether you buy it in the UK or USA, you receive the identical substance and dose. Homeopathic remedies are nontoxic and free from side effects.

A homeopathic medicine is made by repeatedly diluting and succussing (shaking) a preparation of an original medicinal substance in water and grain alcohol. These substances are derived from plant, mineral, animal, chemical or medicinal substances. For home use, 30c is the most common potency: 30c means that the substance has undergone 30 steps in a series of dilutions, each step involves diluting 1 part medicine to 99 parts alcohol/water. The more stages of dilution and succussion the preparation has gone through, the more potent the medicine is. The 30c potency is the most common potency used for acute and first aid treatment at home and is found in most home care kits, whereas 200c , 1M, LM or higher are used by professionals.

Unlike herbal compounds or drugs, the material used in remedies is diluted to such an extent that it can’t be detected by standard scientific instruments. Only an energetic imprint of the molecules remains. It is this “signature” that stimulates the body’s healing response.

There are over 3000 homeopathic remedies that have been scientifically documented, most acute home treatment kits contain 25–50 remedies.

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A Brief History of Homeopathy

The Early Beginnings

Hippocrates (460-370 BC) saw the root of disease as imbalance; the goal of medicine was to build a patient’s strength and correct the cause of imbalance. He saw two paths toward that goal — the way of opposites and the way of similars. Conventional medicine took the first path, homeopathy follows the way of similars; the word “homeopathy” is derived from the Greek words homeos, meaning similar, and pathos or suffering.

The ancient law of similars was first resurrected by the Swiss physician Paracelsus (1493–1541), who founded the discipline of toxicology and his methods of healing helped form the basis of homeopathy today. Relying on the keen observation of plants, animals, and minerals, he treated illness by using minuscule doses and one medicine at a time.

samuel-hahnemannDr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843), was an inquisitive and research-oriented German physician who established the fundamental principles of the science and art of homeopathy. Seeking more humane ways to heal than were in practice at the time, he began studying a medicine that was by far the most effective treatment for malaria: cinchona, or “Peruvian bark” (the base substance for what eventually became known as quinine). In his search to discover cinchona’s secret, he took several small doses of a diluted preparation of the bark, and founded the principle of “like cures like.” (More on this principle is noted in the section above on “What is Homeopathy”.) Hahnemann dedicated his life to conducting meticulous experiments (that he called provings) to study the medicinal application of hundreds of substances, including plant, mineral, animal, chemical, and poisonous compounds. The documentation of these results formed the basis of the now much-expanded homeopathic Materia Medica used as a main reference by practitioners today.

“Dr. Hahnemann had a brilliant mind and developed a method in which there is no limit to saving human life. [He] was a man of superior intellectual nerve. I bow myself in awe of his ability and the great humanitarian work which he created.— Mahatma Gandhi

The Spread of Homeopathy

Homeopathic Hospital Pittesburgh PA   .jpg smaller

Early successes with homeopathic methods in Europe led to its spread to America and throughout the world. Many prominent European doctors emigrated to the U.S., where homeopathy flourished during the nineteenth century.

By 1900, homeopathy was more prominent in America than it was anywhere else in the world. Twenty percent of American doctors called themselves, specifically, homeopaths, and there were 22 homeopathic medical colleges, more than 100 homeopathic hospitals, and 1000 homeopathic pharmacies.

Many of the American cultural elite of the nineteenth century were homeopathy’s strongest advocates, among them Mark Twain, William James, Susan B. Anthony, Louisa May Alcott, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry David Thoreau, and Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Homeopathy has an outstanding track record in preventing and treating epidemic diseases. Dr. Nancy Malik created comparison charts on survival rates between those treated with homeopathy and conventional medicine during the great world epidemics. These charts include diseases such as cholera, pneumonia Spanish flu, yellow fever, and typhus fever. Recent epidemic diseases treated by homeopathy are also noted. These include: influenza’s (including swine flu), hepatitis A, dengue fever, leptospirosis, and conjunctivitis. https://drnancymalik.wordpress.com/2013/01/23/epidemics-and-pandemics/ 

Please take note of the great Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 it was the most severe epidemic of all time. Twenty percent of the entire world population was infected and 20–40 million people died. Homeopathic medicines were used worldwide for treatment and as a preventive for this flu. The average mortality rate under conventional treatment was 30%, while homeopathic physicians saved 99% of their patients.  By the way, the same reliable homeopathic remedies that were used in the flu epidemic a hundred years ago have been known to work just as effectively for all types of flu—H1N1, avi-an, swine, etc. Epidemic disease has been a devastating force in history. Homeopathy’s success rate with these deadly killers has been profound.

“If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what
medicines they take,  their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny.”— Thomas Jefferson

America’s Dirty Little Secret – A Hidden but Documented Fact

Homeopathy had an outstanding track record along with rapid growing popularity from low cost medicines, and lack of side effects, in the twentieth century. Unfortunately in America, it came under attack by the conventional medical establishment. Perhaps the biggest single blow for alternative medicine came in 1910 with the publication of The Flexner Report (or “Carnegie Foundation Bulletin Number Four”). An outgrowth of the AMA’s intent to standardize medical education, it shut down homeopathic and other “alternative” schools of medicine which didn’t comply with its guidelines of pharmacology.

The Rise of the Modern Medical Industry

“With the help of the Carnegie Foundation, [the banking cartels and oil industry] generated the ‘Flexner Report.’ This report on medical education was very critical of (meaning ‘biased against’) homeopathic colleges and any college teaching a form of medicine that would not require synthetic drugs. As a result, funding was withdrawn from these colleges, causing most of them to close from a financial basis. The Rockefeller drug trust . . . is still in control of most of the world’s pharmaceutical industry and most of medical research, education and publishing, and it controls the popular mainstream media.”—Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH

Resurgence of Homeopathy Today

Although the United States experienced an elimination of homeopathy in the 20th century, because of its success with patients, it has enjoyed resurgence in the past twenty years. It has been documented by the National Center for Homeopathy that Americans spent 230 million dollars on homeopathic remedies in 1996. It has also been said that sales are rising rapidly at about 12 – 15% each year.

Whereas, since the 1800’s, other nations throughout the world have experienced a steady growth of homeopathic of homeopathic hospitals, medical schools, and pharmacies. It has a particularly strong following in Europe, Asia, Russia, India, Mexico and South America.

“One of the first duties of the physician
is to educate the masses not to take medicine.”—William Osler MD 1849-1919

[i] “The Structure of Liquid Water: Novel Insights from Materials Research; Potential Relevance to Homeopathy” by Rustum Roy, et al., Materials Research Innovations Online, September 2005, http://www.rustumroy.com/Roy_Structure%20of%20Water.pdf and Montagnier L et al. “Electromagnetic signals are produced by aqueous nanostructures derived from bacterial DNA sequences.” Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci, 2009; 1: 81-90.

[ii] Prashant Satish Chikramane, et al. “Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticulate perspective.” Homeopathy (2010) 99, 231e242. doi:10.1016/j.homp.2010.05.006, available online at http://www.sciencedirect.com. From the paper: “The confirmed presence of nanoparticles challenges current thinking about the role of dilution in homeopathic medicines.

[iii] http://nanopharmacology.org.

[iv] A good beginning reference for understanding the science is “Basic Research on High Dilution Effects” by Marilyn Bastide, as published in High Dilution Effects on Cells and Integrated Systems, C. Taddei and P. Marotta, eds, World Scientific, 1998, which you can view online at www.homeopathy.org/research/basic/Bastide_1.pdf.

[v] Elia V, Niccoli M., “Thermodynamics of extremely diluted aqueous solutions.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 30 June 1999, 879:241-8, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10415834. Elia V, Napoli E, Germano R., “The ‘Memory of Water’: an almost deciphered enigma. Dissipative structures in extremely dilute aqueous solutions.” Homeopathy. 2007 Jul;96(3):163-9., http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17678812. Rey, L., “Can low-temperature thermoluminescence cast light on the nature of ultra-high dilutions?” Homeopathy. 2007 Jul;96(3):170-4, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17678813.

[vi] “Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize Winner, Takes Homeopathy Seriously,” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dana-ullman/luc-montagnier-homeopathy-taken-seriously_b_814619.html.

For more information about nanomedicine and homeopathy please see;

https://www.homeopathic.com/Articles/Homeopathic_research/Homeopathic_Medicine_is_Nanopharmacology.html    Dana Ullman





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