Lives Saved By Homeopathy


Both Epidemic and Pandemic refer to the spread of infectious diseases among a population. The term pandemic indicates a far higher number of people affected in much larger geographical area than the epidemic. A mortality rate is a number of deaths per 1000 individuals per year. Genus epidemicus means that the treatment protocol of an epidemic disease is designed based on the collected signs and symptoms of a large group of patients in the same geographical area [click to tweet].

Homeopathy has been a boon to the patients of scarlet fever, typhus fever, yellow fever, Pneumonia, Cholera, Influenza, Hepatitis, Dengue, Leptospirosis and Conjunctivitis during the times of pandemics and epidemics.

Homeopathy has always served people in epidemics and pandemics crisis, in old times and modern times.

This is a time-tested medicine that has never received its past-due merit and acknowledgements. It’s fascinating that even with the existence of medical records, journals and clinical evidence in favour of homeopathy, it has always been bullied by bigots (popularly known as skeptics), who agrees that there is evidence for homeopathy but it is not strong enough. So in case of an epidemic outbreak if homeopathy in doing “nothing” loses 14 patients a year and allopathy by doing “something” loses 20 patients a year in the same place and time-frame, then what causes the death of those extra 6 patients, and what is the “something”?!


In the year 1873, a statistical report was presented by Dr. E. Kellogg for New York, for Philadelphia by Dr. P. Dudley, and for Boston was compiled by E. Russell. The following table is a summary of their general statistics published in [1, page 401]

General Statistics:

CityYearNumber of Deaths under AllopathicRatioNumber of Deaths under HomeopathicRatio
New York187014,869151,2879
New York187115,526151,2437
Total: 54,679Total: 5,903

 General Statistics from 1874 to 1877 in U.S.:

Disease type in hospitals   Mortality under Allopathic TreatmentMortality under Homeopathic Treatment
General diseases10%5%
Typhus fever21%10%


[2] In the year 1852, Dr. Routh, a British allopathic physician and an opponent of homeopathy, was a designated authority by medical officials of London to release the mortality-statistics (for all diseases). As a result of his findings, Dr. Routh was constrained to testify in favour of homeopathy. He collected statistics of different hospitals (England, Austria and Germany), the total of 32,655 homeopathic cases and 119,630 allopathic cases. The overall mortality under homeopathic treatment was 4.4 percent, and the overall mortality under allopathic treatment was 10.5 percent.

I also invite you to take a look at the following tables that demonstrates how effectively homeopathy has served humanity!

YearLocationDiseaseTreatment by HomeopathyTreatment by AllopathyTreatment with No Medicine
1799Königslütter, GermanyScarlet FeverMortality <5%
1830 ~ ‘31*RussiaCholeraMortality 11 %Reported by Imperial Council & Foreign Ministry of Russia.Mortality 63 %Reported by Imperial Council & Foreign Ministry of Russia.Not recorded.
1830 ~ 1832Vienna, Prague, Hungary and MoraviaCholeraMortality 7 %Reported by Dr. Kath, appointed by King of Bavaria.Mortality 31 %Reported by Dr. Kath, appointed by King of Bavaria.Not recorded.
1836**ViennaCholeraMortality 33 %Lead Homeopath in charge was Dr. FleischmannReported by Dr. Wild, Allopathic editor of Dublin Quarterly JournalMortality 66 %Reported by Dr. Wild, Allopathic editor of Dublin Quarterly Journal
1847IrelandTyphus feverMortality 2 %Lead Homeopath in charge was Dr. Joseph KiddMortality 13 %Lead Allopath in charge was Dr. Abraham TuckeyNot recorded.
1847EnglandTyphus feverMortality 2 %Mortality 13 %Mortality 10 %
1848Edinburgh, ScotlandCholeraMortality 24 %Reported by Edinburgh Dispensary.Mortality 68 %Reported by Edinburgh Dispensary.Not recorded.
Mid 1800’sAustriaPneumoniaMortality 5 %Lead Homeopath in charge was Dr. FleischmannMortality 20 %Lead Allopath in charge was Dr. DietlNot recorded.
1853 ~ 1855South of AmericaYellow feverMortality 5.4 %Lead Homeopaths in charge were Dr. F. Davis and Dr. W.  HolconibeMortality 55%Not recorded.
1854London, EnglandCholeraMortality 16.4 %Reported by Royal College of Physicians.Mortality 59.2 %Reported by Royal College of Physicians.Not recorded.
1878New Orleans, Memphis, USAYellow feverMortality 6% %Special Commission reported the statistics.Mortality 15.5 % Special Commission reported the statistics.Not recorded.
1918***Pittsburgh, USASpanish InfluenzaMortality 1.05 %Reported by Dean, Pittsburgh HospitalMortality 30 %Reported by Dean, Pittsburgh HospitalNot recorded.

 *During Hahnemann’s era, the extreme difficulties in treating cholera epidemic compelled the Russian medical community to send a letter to Dr. Hahnemann. The letter contained a detailed description of the symptoms of the disease, as well as a request to indicate appropriate remedies.

**Another event in that age, is from Sir William Wilde, the well-known allopathic doctor of Dublin, which in his work entitled “Austria and its Institutions”, wrote: “Upon comparing the report of the treatment of Cholera in the Homeopathic hospital testified to by two allopathic medical inspectors appointed by Government with that of the treatment of the same disease in the other hospitals of Vienna during the same period the epidemic of 1836, it appeared that while two-thirds of the cases treated by Dr. Fleischmann the physician of the Homeopathic hospital, recovered, two-thirds of those treated by the ordinary methods in the other hospitals died.”

***In 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic, a physician in a Pittsburgh hospital in U.S. asked a nurse if she knew anything better than what he was doing because he was losing many cases. “Yes Doctor, stop aspirin and go down to a Homeopathic pharmacy, and get homeopathic remedies.” The Doctor replied: “But that is homeopathy.” “I know it, but the homeopathic doctors for whom I have nursed have not lost a single case.” [3]


From Spanish Flu of 1918, let us forward the time to 2010, the release of several outstanding reports in epidemiologic surveillance studies conducted by the Finlay Institute, a vaccines producer in Cuba. According to Finlay Institute, between December 2009 and January 2010, about 9,074439 individuals, near 90% of Cuban population received homeopathic preventive medicine (Homeoprophylaxis) for respiratory diseases, influenza (including AH1N1) with remarkable outcomes and a great reduction rate in mortality. Homeopathic interventions were also employed in other diseases in Cuba such as Hepatitis A (population 1400000, year 2004-2007), Dengue (population 150000, year 2006-2009), Leptospirosis [4] (population 2308562, year 2007-2008), Conjunctivitis (population 180000, year 2008-2009) with undeniable successful results, thanks to homeopathy!

Homeopathic medicine Leptospira 200c was given for Leptospirosis (fever+jaundice+kidney inflammation+spleen enlargement).
Zero morbidity. Non-treated saw 21% increase


[1] The Medical Investigator, volume 10, 1873.

[2] Tracts on Homoeopathy, 1853

[3] Homeopathy in Influenza– A chorus of fifty in harmony, W.A. Dewey, Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, May 1921, pp. 1040

[4] Application of 200C potency of bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control (2010) FULL TEXT

[5] The Logic of Figures, Dr. Thomas Lindsley, Boericke and Taefel, 1900.


About the Author: Iman Navab

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