Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Wildfire Smoke Inhalation
Thank goodness for the rain we are having this week in the Southeastern US!!! Hopefully it will help to put out the wildfires that have run rampant here, although it might take several days for the smoke to clear from our air and bodies. Many people have called asking for help with the not so fun effects of smoke inhalation, so they inspired me to pass this information on to you. Nonetheless, I hope you are safe and far away from the fires or the rain has cleared the smoke in your area and you don’t need the following remedies to feel better!
Smoke particles can be harmful and may cause burning, watery eyes and noses, sinus issues, scratchy throats, headaches, coughs, and difficulty breathing. The elderly, children, and those prone to allergies or respiratory conditions such as emphysema, asthma, etc. are usually more affected by smoke inhalation. Also, people with compromised immune systems may experience these harmful effects.
Homeopathy is Known to Reverse Most Known Issues and Diseases
It has been used successfully all over the world for over 200 years. 40% of MD’s in Europe prescribe homeopathic medicines for their patients. It is part of mainstream medical care throughout Europe, for example the French are ranked #1 in their health care performance and the USA is ranked #37! For more information on what it is and how it works and clinical studies, please see my website www.naturalhealthsource.us
People found relief from smoke inhalation symptoms by using one of the remedies listed below. If you know that one of these remedies has helped you or your pet in the past for acute or chronic conditions then you may be more likely to need it for smoke inhalation.
Effective and Natural Remedies for Wildfire Smoke Inhalation
Do your best to match your exact symptoms to one of the following homeopathic remedies to reverse negative effects from exposure to smoke.
Arsenicum album: Anxiety and or misery.
- Eyes tear and burn from discharge.
- Nose drips with discharge that burns the mucus membrane and skin.
- Cough can be dry.
- Worse at night and lying down flat. Often better for sipping warm drinks and sitting or propped up.
- Intense anxiety, worry and misery about the future with restlessness.
Bryonia: Worse for any kind of motion with dryness of mucus membranes.
- Dry mouth and mucus membranes with intense thirst.
- Headache worse for motion and better from applying pressure.
- Dry and/or painful cough. Can be worse from moving or at night.
- Cranky and wants to lie down, be quiet and left alone
Carbo Vegetabilis: Short of breath. Oxygen starvation.
- Wants to be fanned or craves fresh air.
- Severe acute attacks of wheezing with significant belching and flatus.
- Feels very weak and may collapse.
- Known as the corpse reviver!
Euphrasia: Irritation to eyes and nose.
- Eyes tear and burn, eyes and lids may be red, sensitive and/or inflamed.
- Nose runs and the discharge is bland but doesn’t burn.
- Slight cough during the day. The eyes tear on coughing.
Ignatia: Depressed, moody or hysterical, ailments from disappointment.
- Especially indicated with the combination of being extremely disappointed from this year’s current election (or any kind of disappointment, loss or upset) and smoke inhalation.
Kali bichromicum: Serious smoke exposure with irritated sinuses or lungs
- Nasal discharge is dry or is sticky or stringy. Nose is stuffed up.
- Sinuses can be raw, irritated and/or painful.
- Cough may be painful and chest can be sore.
- Difficulty coughing up mucus which is scanty, sticky or stringy.
Natrum arsenicosum: Great sensitivity to smoke. Use when the best indicated remedy hasn’t helped much or at all.
- Eyes dry and painful. They tear and smart when in the smoky air.
- Sinuses feel blocked or stuffed up and are painful.
- Cough. Lungs feel like they are full of smoke.
- Headache from the smoke.
Silica: To help the body detox and rid itself of inhaled particles.
- Nose dry and stuffed up with no sense of smell or taste.
- Painful sinuses.
- Dry, irritating cough from breathing in smoke filled air.
- Often blobby or chunky yellow mucus.
- Sensation that something (a particle of dust or hair) is stuck in the back of the throat.
How do I take or administer a homeopathic remedy?
Take one pellet of 6c, 12c, 30c or 200c three times a day or as needed. When you feel 60-80% better then stop and only use as needed. If you need it use it if you don’t, then don’t use it. Basically repeat as needed (i.e., if your symptoms return). If you’ve taken a remedy for two days and had no response, select a different remedy or call an experienced homeopath. NOTE: If you have one of the above potencies on hand use that, if not I prefer 30c, unless you usually do better with a 200c.
People or pets that are already working with a homeopath
Please check with your homeopath before taking one of these remedies to make sure that it combines with what you are already taking and so it doesn’t cancel out any positive benefits.
Keep Track of Wildfires Near You
Check the website of the National Interagency Fire Center which coordinates eight major government agencies involved in fighting and monitoring wildfires: https://www.nifc.gov/fireInfo/nfn.htm
A Small Homeopathic Kit is Worth Its Weight in Gold…and Then Some.
Be prepared with 50 of the top homeopathic medicines for acute symptoms and 1st aid issues…from flu to colds to burns, bites, stings and most types of injuries, etc. It is perfect for middle of the night illnesses or accidents and could possibly save you many trips to the ER. There are over 2000 pills in each vial which could last a lifetime! The cost for the kit is $95 and it also makes a priceless gift for the holidays! NOTE: To extend the life of your remedy vial or kit and have a more effective way to take your remedies, learn how to make a water potency dosage bottle.
About Kimberly Woods, C.Hom
Kimberly Woods, C.Hom. has practiced complementary and alternative medicine for more than twenty-five years. She has completed advanced trainings with two world-renowned Homeopaths: George Vithoulkas, 1997 recipient of the Right Livelihood Award (the Alternative Medicine equivalent of the Nobel Prize), author and Dr. Luc DeSchepper, MD, PhD, LicAc, CHom, DIHom and author.
Ms. Woods has helped thousands of individuals suffering from severe physical problems to psychological illnesses. She is truly gifted at educating and empowering the individual in natural approaches to health and well-being.
Kimberly has a common-sense approach and natural ability to take a very complex subject and make it understandable and practical. She has taught and lectured on homeopathic prevention and treatment of acute and chronic diseases such as influenza, Lyme disease, childhood illnesses, pregnancy, natural childbirth and first aid. Her book DIY Medicine Revolution, Colds, Flu and Beyond will be in print the fall of 2017.
FREE 15 Minute Phone Consult for New Clients – Pets or People
Call and ask questions about your specific health issues. Find out if homeopathy is the right health care choice for you or your loved ones. Discover how homeopathy can get and keep you healthy.
Appointments via Phone and Skype
Expert homeopathic acute and chronic care is now available from the comfort of your own home via phone or Skype. This option is perfect for those who are unable to visit the office due to limitations from illness, time, distance, weather and/or travel expense.
Kimberly has provided classical homeopathic treatment nationwide for over 25 years. About 80% of her clients live throughout the US and often even local clients choose phone appointments because of the effectiveness and convenience.
Please call 828 645 2919 or email to request further information.